poo... i have been all sniffily/coldy/snotty/sore/bunged up/sinus pain/headachey etc...for too long now. I even had to fight with the receptionist at the GP just to get an appointment...and even then, it is with the nurse!!
BUT I AM A FLIPPIN NURSE YOU DOZEY...ahem....silly woman!
Nevermind - just give me some antibiotics and ill be on me way!..... we will see!
Life is calming down a bit, just preparing for a beatbox/dance assembly at a local school to follow on from a Beatbox after school club.
Should be cool!...
Lots of ideas floating around as well with regards to my work with INSPIRE Arts... The ideas seem to come better when i am rested.
I took the hint when i fell asleep at the dinner table after i had eaten...Carey was speaking to me, Naomi was answering for me...and i was dreaming!!! Cor luvva duck...!
So now its 2.05AM and i'm still up!!???
Aye - burning candles and all that .... guess who??!