"Do it....." he said, "write a blog" he said.
"ok, ok..." was my reply - although I said it a bit more convincing than what you are imagining right now.
Now, I have tinkered with blogging but I should do more I keep telling myself.
"I'll ask questions" I thought, mainly because I don't have the confidence in myself at times (ok...a lot of the time) and I don't consider myself an expert at something enough to make me say "Step back all you so called know it alls and hear some revelations about Nursing that will make you stop and re-imagine your life and practice as you know it!!".
(note: This is not me preaching my Nursing Revelations to the crowds...)
Nah...that's not me.
In fact, I know that a lot of people think the same. They (you? me?) think that others have the answers, or at least are part of the debate, whereas you think that you aren't even invited to the whole shenanigans due to the fact that your view is just a view and it's the other people who are involved in the steering and shaping of Nursing because they have many people listening to them and that they can hold long, intricate conversations about multi-faceted issues raised in addressing the issues at hand.
You on the other hand (or really 'me' as my shaky, variable slightly (non) confident self tells me) have the qualification but aren't a real Nurse yet (despite the training, the experience, the registration, the daily grind of the job, the paperwork, oh the paperwork). One day, you're gonna get found out and exposed as a great pretender when it comes to understanding the theoretical side of Nursing and how it's related to the political leanings of modern day culture, the NHS and social care in general.
Just get on with the day to day care, keep your head down and do try to keep up with something...
But that's where we are wrong. We live in an age where 'Celebrity' is the norm, the goal for the lesser mortal to aspire to, so when we don't make it there, we discount ourselves from the race.
The only logical move is to not play the game by those rules.
Play the game yes, but use different rules and values. Use rules and values that make a lot more sense and are actually more useful than the rubbish we are told we should be measured by.
It's not about how loud we can shout or how confident our revelations are about a new way of doing things - although that's great. For the everyday, run-of-the-mill Nurse out here, it's about delivering good, solid professional care that really makes a difference in someone's life.
There is nothing run-of-the-mill about a Nurse doing something for someone when they are in need of help.
The Nurses community in which I live (not just locally but internationally, thanks to the joys of Twitter and other social media) is a great one with some great people and views so I hope I am joining in with those Nurses who are already singing up about their performance and care that they deliver.
So, it's worth shouting about that. That's when the grass roots revolution really takes shape.
We (I) may not know it all...actually to understand even some basic things would be a good place to start, but as we look into the basic things, it turns out to be anything less than basic so maybe it's not such a stupid place to start.
I've been a Nurse for over 17 years now so I do actually know something, and don't get me wrong - I have the paperwork to prove it, but fundamentally I think we can all derail ourselves from not speaking out because of our lack of confidence.
So ok...I'll write a blog and ask questions. Maybe my 'stupid questions' and observations may not turn out to be so stupid after all.
I find all my posts follow the same theme (mainly) so one shall shake it up a bit for you....and for me as well.
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