Monday, 15 June 2009

Art and inspiration

Ok... i gotta admit that i should blog more - why?... well, i used to think it woz a bit pointless (unless my loyal fans demanded it!..) but now i find that it not only helps me understand my thoughts and the process behind whatever it is that i do, but it also adds to the general pot of creativity that can be found on the internet.
I was in London (boo...hiss...) recently and came acroos a great book called "Art by people" which was fantastic. It was really inspirational, and sparked my creative process off again so i have digged out my big canvass and it is ready to paint. I want it to be good as the canvass isn't just a knocked together thing, but is a labour of love and uses parts and pieces that have a story to them. Take the actual canvass material, it belonged to Careys (the missus!...) Grandfather, who kept in the back of his car. When the Car broke and went off to the big scrap heap in the sky, i rescued the material and made it in to a canvass. It was actually in the tool compartment next to the spare wheel, and it was really clean and nicely folded...I think that older folk take care of things better as they probably understand how hard it can be to get hold of items when they are scarce (remember World war 2?..). Today, we are to used to getting 'fast food', 24hr supermarkets and internet shopping - it all goes to making us a throw away society.

Right.... rant over.

But it means that the canvass has more worth than just a piece of material i purchased in haste so i can paint on it. It makes me nervous just thinking about it, but i am excited about it as well because it reminds me that actually, what i 'bring to the table' is also of worth and has stories behind it too. How to convey it though....thats the tricky part.

Anyway, more posts to follow with this theme of inspiration to come, and ill share some of my most influential material to date - its all good stuff!

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