Thursday, 14 May 2009

Arty stuff...

Well...really excited at the mo for art etc...
I caught a really good blog about illustrations and comic book art, and i ended up following some of the links and other followers on the blog - a good way to see other peoples sites...
Brilliant - came across some good sketches and 'how to' from others blogs...sheds light on the creative process, so now i feel like i can get stuck in and get drawing etc!

I also came across some old graffitti piece books that i had started when i first cam down South in 1990...nice!
It gave me good ideas for tattoos etc...
Anyway, life is always full of things, and i think i am just needing to think of a longer term plan so i have a bit more aim and direction as the year progresses. Its really challanging trying to figure out your 'niche'.
Do we have one?... I dunno! For the moment, i think i am doing lots of things that interests me, and although i may not have the steady income that i had when i was a full time Specialist Nurse Advisor, i like where i am at now, with all the different areas and flexibility it offers.
Too flexible sometimes, but i am blessed by having good people around me who are really creative and clever (my brother for example...flipping creative brainbox!). So the possibilities are endless - i hope!
Till then Check out my friend Charlies blog - great illustrations and clever to boot!

Gan canny marras!

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Stu.... still have happy memories of you and Matt vandalsi.... oops sorry, being creative, with our garage wall back in the day!
