Thursday, 9 September 2010

Bit of a change and/or additions!...

Ok, so now i have been beatboxing (not constantly) for nearly 25yrs and the last 3 years i have done it as my business....random - who would think that i could market and sell 'spitting and making silly noises'!??

Anyway, i have.
Now, my other 'skill/talent/gifting/hobby/time wasting' is playing Bass...
I have my trusty Ibanez 5 string - bought at the Bass center in the early 90s for nearly £1000 and some gear swaps, as well as my more recent NS WAV Electric Upright Bass (VERY nice!..)

So hey - lets get back to playing them more....
Lots of people play, and lots of people do 'session' - i know i have the funk about things, so may as well use it, after all - I do it for the love and groove!
So i will keep y'all updated into the journey as it can be just as interesting to see how you (or me in this case) goes about it and where the breaks happen along the way!

First things first, i need music examples, photos and a website...then get playing again!...