Bye INSPIRE, nice working with you!
One year later (how time flies!) and i have finished with inspire Arts Trust.
So my plan to simplify things and build up my business is in effect.
Well....i think so.
Its now just Beatbox and nursing. Oh...and the old graffiti workshops - slightly more of a challenge but its all good.
I still have my dreams and hopes etc...but i guess as you get older...sorry, we get older, we probably have to streamline our plans and include some sort of practicality to them.
Shame really, but i think that if we just went on with any of our dreams, we may miss having to anylise them and actually having to sort them out so that they become acheivable rather than just nice ideas and whisps of 'what ifs'...
Our dreams probably are sort of pure to start with, but then we end up having to put them into context. For example - i want to do Graffiti art. Now to make that work in society and todays culture, i end up having to tailor it so that it serves some sort of purpose and function - i cant just paint for the sake of it, so i then get the context to put the 'dream' into.
The challenge is keeping the dream at the front, rather than letting it be dominated by the context.
In my opinion. Anyway....'pointless drivvel' over with.
Inspire was good, and there are always aspects of the job you would rather not do, or forget, or move on with but the main thing i will miss is the people and the room for exploring the creative side of things.
We all stay in touch (we got to...i still end up doing some stuff with them!!) so its not too bad, i just got to find some peace about what i am doing now!
In the meantime.....i am gonna explore more art i think!
This was a commission for NGM in their prayer room. It is their slogan "Dance into the night".
This piece was a challenge because although i had the paint, i had no skinny caps (skinny caps are nozzles that produce a thin line) so i had to do a lot of it with 'pink dots' or 'fat caps' (both produce wide sprays...not great for details!).
Anyway, i think it turned out ok but what did i learn?....
THINK BIG - its ok to plan a sketch but make it big so that you can get the detail and the widths of the pencil lines you use in your sketch reflect what you will spray!
THINK AGGRESSIVE - I want to make the form of the next letters not so 'comic book' or nice. This piece works coz it needs to read by the public, but i would like to do more wildstyle and abstract.
COMMIT! - when you go for the outline and highlights, there is little room for mistakes so you just gotta spray with confidence. Its all practice i guess.
The next step - well, i think i will just paint more for the practice. Probably on some sort of self made 'wall' out of wooden boards out the back of my house - then i can repaint it as and when! I'll post the results for you to laugh at!
Well...ive enjoyed this rant - i hope you have as much as me, and dont worry.....i got lots more 'interesting stuff' to spout! (
"groan"...i hear you say)