Before we go any further though, here is a nice picture of 2 penguins.
Nothing to do with this post, its just that 'blog posts' with images get more attention.
Right....lets get on with it.
Some tips were common sense, and some were really good.
When i find the link, ill post it, but otherwise search out some stuff y'aself (go on...don't be a lazy ass!)
So - wot was the best tip?
This one:
Don't listen to the bad comments or advice (i knew this - obvious!!) and don't listen to the good comments (didn't realise this one...) - just get on with what your passion is.
Hmmm....controversial eh!? I guess that we can spend so much time 'filtering' out the good from the bad, or trying to censor the comments that we end up worrying what people think of us. Stuff it...just get on with it....
I like that.
Want another tip?...try this punk -
"be yourself coz life is short".
Later x