was really nice to hook up with friends tonight, and the main thing that came from it was the fact that actually, we are all in the same boat in terms of worries and concerns. I said that i was feeling that as a creative type person (!) i felt sometimes that i was a jack of all trades. Good in terms that i could do most things (some actually quite well!!) but unfortunatly i was not a 'master' at any. I have SO many ideas and dreams and things i like to do - art, music, visual stuff, theatre, clowning etc.... but is there any that i should really go 'hell for leather' about??
Or should i just stick to nursing (i am, after all, a registered nurse!).
Or should i see nursing as part of my creative streak, so that i spark in the same way about it!!??
Anyway...sometimes we can feel quite isolated when it comes to our concerns and worries, but its nice to know that we all feel and have the same type of worries.
It sort of lets us know that we are human and that we are not alone!